Master's Degree in Educational and Professional Program "Accounting and Audit" of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" in English

CIMA in KhNEUDear Bachelors!

You can continue your education at the second level of higher education in English and get one of the most globally demanded jobs. The Department of Accounting and Business Consulting prepares masters in "Accounting and Audit". The disciplines of the educational program are taught in separate English-speaking groups by experienced professors who have certificates of the University of Cambridge (Business English Certificate) and have confirmed their professional qualifications by certificates CAP / CIPA (Certificate of Certified International Professional Accountant Program for international qualification).

Educational programs of the specialty "Accounting and taxation" are accredited by the world’s largest professional body of management accountants CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting). So our graduates are exempted from the set of CIMA exams and are awarded by CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting after success in only ONE test. CIMA accreditation confirms the high quality of our educational and professional program "Accounting and Audit" and guarantees fundamental international qualification.

Master program "Accounting and Audit" are taught by professors of the Department of Accounting and Business Consulting.

Find out the details on the sites:
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, CIMA, UK;
- Department of Accounting and Business Consulting S. Kuznets KhNEU.




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